Influence Book Reading Ability and Motivation


Pujiawan, Retno. Graduate Program Kanjuruhan University Malang, Influence Book Reading Ability and Motivation Toward Student Achievement Elementary School Fourth Grade IV Sumberbendo District Pucanglaban Tulungagung

Keywords: reading skills, motivation, and academic achievement

No language, no technology. This means that shows how important language skills mastery. As one of the four language skills, reading is a very important skill for students. It is considered very important for elementary school students in Indonesia, because the purpose of teaching reading in the elementary school are elementary school students to read efficiently and quickly with a good understanding.
The fact shows that many elementary school students who do not have the skills to read well, they are still difficult to get an idea, topic, certain information and implied
The most common problem is the students' motivation. Students' motivation as internal factors to support student success should be enhanced through a professional approach, personal and social. It is a challenge for teachers. Motivation to learn should receive equal attention with the ability to read.
The purpose of this study was to determine whether, reading ability, motivation and collaboration both have a significant impact on academic achievement subject of Social Sciences Elementary School fourth grade students Sumberbendo District IV Pucanglaban Tulungagung. This study is associative with the form casual relationships. The research goal is class IV Elementary School District IV Sumberbendo Pucanglaban Tulungagung totaling 30 students.
Used questionnaires to obtain data, the ability to read books and students' perceptions of motivation to learn. Based on this analysis the researchers concluded that the results are significant.

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