Influence Motivates To Study And Studying wont to Students Learned Achievement - Thesis


RUBINGAT, 2012 , Influence Motivates To Study And Studying wont to Students Learned Achievement Studi at SDN 1 Tamanan Tulungagung's district, Tulungagung's regency. Thesis programs study Social Science education, Universities Postgraduate program Baleful Kanjuruhan
Chairman: Prof. H. Bambang Swasto, I, Member: 1 ). Prof. Dr. Lilik kustiani, SS, MM 2) Drs. H. Sutedjo's amir, SH, M. Pd

Key word: Learned motivation, learned wont, learned achievement.

Teleological learned from within or from outside self someone or individual with full consciousness for acting or does something after be reached specific-purpose one corresponds to function and motivation which is: 1. Pushing man for has done, 2. pushing man to determine conduct aim 3. Push men to solve its conduct logistic drd thuses that will determine studying intensity, determining aim that wants to be reached and gets character selectiving to form studying activity that can give the better result.

Meaning learned wont activity repetitive that a sort by use of judgment and mind function as minimal as maybe or studying wont is pattern repetitive studying activity, regular and alae good uniform realize and also not.

Learned achievement is an activity who will beget its happening changing its behaviour there is that gets science character an there is also memorizing that declares for skill, meanwhile tall its low result already being reached by student well that stated with numbers but there is also which declared for by words or sentence.
This research utilize SPSS'S statistic with tech correlation, which is correlation product Moment Pearson is utilized to look for influence of each variable frees / Predictor (1 and 2) with bonded variable / criterium which is relationship among motivates studying and studying wont with learned achievement with respondent 40 students.

In common ala analysis result discriptif points out that motivation studying and studying wont to students learned achievement in IPS'S learning there is problem which significan. Of research result points out available distinctive result study after student motivate its studying improved. There is result difference studies student among what does have good studying wont to areas learned achievement study IPS on SD Tamanan Kec's Country. Tulungagung, Kab. Tulungagung.

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