5 Home Renovation Tips with Save Cost

Home renovation Tips below you can try to save cost with quality maintained

Plan carefully the parts of the house you will be mature and thorough renovation. Make stages of the work will be done from design to implementation

In the early stages make design (architecture, interior and exterior), to consider whether in the planning we will reuse existing material or not. When you still want to use old material, the house must be dismantled with care to avoid damaging.

In the original plan, the design is made so that the results are in accordance with what we want. As a result, if the development results are not in line with expectations, there was job disassembly so that costs incurred to grow. By creating design drawings and pictures of mature field implementation also helps artisans in working with more precise and faster.

1. Select building materials and the quality of building materials to be used (home interior or exterior home). If funds are limited, we recommend that in designing the interior or exterior design us no harm we use quality materials currently used products. If we could choose carefully, we will find a second-hand but have a good quality.

Moderate-quality materials such as: ceramic flooring, wood type, frame, or paint (interior / exterior of the house). With a good installation technique can produce beautiful designs even use materials whose quality was. For the main parts should use the goods with good quality, for example: in the foundation of the house, clean and dirty water pipes were planted either in the wall or the ground, building structures (concrete, wood), roof truss and power cables (avoid "short circuiting").

2. Use as much as possible the type of material that does not require finishing.
That is what it is let alone material, so the execution time is faster and can save costs. For example: without the plastered brick walls to create a natural look, or paint without plamur. For this, ask the opinion of experts such as expert architecture design

3. Implementation work started during the dry season.
Do not do home renovations in the rainy season, because the builders who worked on the rainy season will be disturbed and the work progress is slow. In addition, the part that is outside the house that was being renovated into a dry hard and can even be destroyed by the rain.

4. Choose foreman or worker who really experienced and master work. Keep in determining and selecting foreman or worker based on a reference from a close friend or relative who had used the services of the foreman or worker. Because most of them could be stopped without warning in the middle of renovation work being carried out.

5. Resist the urge to make changes to the design and replacement of materials that are more expensive than originally planned. Much of this occurs because it cannot help me, so the cost would be swelling. Be swelling.

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