Ten Causes Chapped Lips and How to Prevent it

Dry skin is very bad taste. Especially if chapped lips, it's definitely worse. It is a feeling that is difficult to be removed and it can make you irritated and tired.

Chapped Lips
What exactly is the base problem is chapped lips? Here is Ten Causes Chapped Lips and How to Prevent it, cited research by the Mayo Clinic SymptomFind America on Sunday (6/1).

Ten Ways to Prevent the Causes of Chapped Lips

1. Lick lips

When you feel your lips dry and cracked, you may tend to lick or wet it with her tongue. Unfortunately, this behavior is only temporary.

At dry lips again, then you will lick it once again. This habit is not good because it only made things worse. So, you should stop.

2. Dehydration

If you do not drink enough during the day, you will definitely lips chapped. Make sure you drink plenty of fluids, especially water.

3. Allergy

There are many allergies that can cause chapped lips. Including, allergy to cobalt and nickel. If you consume too much vitamin B12 supplements, then you will have excess cobalt and lead to dry lips and looks crusty.

If you are allergic to nickel, make sure you do not put the metal near your mouth, including paper clips. If you plan to install a lip ring, make sure it does not contain nickel.

Ingredients in lipstick and toothpaste can also cause chapped lips. If your toothpaste contains guaiazulane, or if your lipstick contains propyl gallate or phenyl salicylate (salol), then your chapped lips may be the result of an allergy to that substance.

It would be nice if you stop using these products. Allergies to foods or food ingredients, such as figs or red food coloring, can also cause chapped lips.

4. Do not use a lip balm

If you do not protect your lips with a lip balm, lip then you can crack. Look for a lip balm that has sunblock in it for extra protection, or just put some sunscreen on your lips before you leave home. Keeping your lips every day will prevent them from drying out.

5. Breathing through the mouth

If you have a frequent habit of breathing through the mouth, then you let dry air continues to pass through your lips. People who like snoring or sleep apnea have this problem and frequently wake up with chapped lips too. In any situation, it would be better if your lips moist throughout the day, especially before bed.

6. Toothpaste

Have you felt after you brush your teeth feels chapped lips? That's because many types of toothpaste contain sodium lauryl sulfate. This material causes dry skin and some skin irritation.

In some cases, this can cause perioral dermatitis, irritation of the lips and mouth. If your toothpaste cause a problem for you, stop using it and seek toothpaste toothpaste other types that do not contain sodium lauryl sulfate.

7. Dry heat or cold

Cold weather is a common cause of chapped lips. If you are out of the house when the weather is cold, try wearing lip balm and wear a scarf around your mouth to protect your lips. Similarly, in very hot weather.

8. Citrus fruit

Acid in citrus fruits can irritate the lips and some citrus may cause your lips to become sensitive to the sun. This can cause chapped lips.

Before eating a lot of oranges, it helps you use lip balm to protect your lips while eating. Cinnamates used in certain sweets also have similar effects, dry lips.

9. Too much vitamin A

If you have too much vitamin A supplements or eat too much, it can cause chapped lips too. If you are taking more than 25 thousand IU of vitamin A per day, you're eating too much of this vitamin. So do not be excessive consumption of vitamin A

10. Certain conditions after treatment

Certain prescription medications, especially Accutane prokloperazin, and propranolol, can cause chapped lips. Your lips become more sensitive to the sun.

If you have an autoimmune disease, then use a lip balm with SPF 15. Thyroid disease or psoriosis also cause dryness of the mouth. Parleche, or pain due to fungal infections can also cause dryness around the mouth.


That is ten causes chapped lips and how to prevent it. May be useful for you. Source: Republika.co.id

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