10 Tips Unique Cat Care

10 Tips Unique Cat Care
Source : http://artikel-asyik.blogspot.com
If you keep the cat, there are some unusual things you need to know about treatment. Consider ten unique tips cat care as reported from ABC News (15/05) below.

Cat drinking water. Provide a special place for cats to drink water so your pet does not go to the bathroom or licking your drink.

Cat allergy. There is no guarantee of a cat that looks good does not cause allergies, and therefore avoid the black tomcat. Instead, you can choose a female kitten or cat with bright colors Siberia.

Cat panting. Dog panting is normal, but if your cat is experiencing, it could be it is a symptom of certain diseases.

Cat food. The best food is the food should be consumed canned cat, or you can consult with your veterinarian for specific conditions of cats you have.

Be liked cats. Cats tend to avoid people who make eye contact with him, and therefore you should ignore and pretend that they do not notice the cat came over and like you.

Signs tail. Cats upright means happy, tail twitching is a sign of weakness, a sign of modest tail like a cat on the prowl, while a quick sigh tail means your cat is angry.

Cats are sick. Some cat owners often ignore their symptoms of pain in cats. So if your cat is hesitant to climb or jump, more aggressive or more reserved, then you should see a veterinarian immediately.

Cat litter. Cats do not like a special box to defecate, instead they prefer to pee in trash pile if you give fragrance. If the cat can pee in the shower, you should diligently maintain cleanliness of your bathroom is.

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