Reasons for Pregnancy Discomforts in First Trimester

Reasons for Pregnancy Discomforts in First Trimester
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Reasons for Pregnancy Discomforts in First Trimester - During pregnancy, you will experience a lot of changes (particularly some physical changes). You are also at greater chance of having a wide variety of different discomforts and pains that sometime can be very bothersome - while some of them may be fleeting, others may be more permanent. You may notice some of these problems in the first trimester, and others may only appear closer to the time of giving birth.

In fact, every case of pregnant woman is unique. Even the signs of pregnancy can be different from pregnancy to pregnancy. In other words, if you conceive or are pregnant for the second time, the symptoms or pregnancy discomforts that you experience may be different or even very different to the symptoms of your first pregnancy.

The following are some common reasons for some discomforts and pains that commonly occur in the first trimester.

Feeling tired /excessive fatigue

Even some pregnant women experience excessive fatigue about a week after their conception. There may be a number of reasons for easier to become fatigue during pregnancy, but many experts believe that the drastically increased hormones and the growth of fetus that will need extra energy are the major reasons.

Moreover, early weeks of pregnancy are pretty common linked to the higher risk of anemia. As well we know, if you have lack of iron in the blood, you are more likely to have lack of energy.

Home remedies and tips to cope with fatigue when you are being pregnant may include:

  1. Improve the quality of sleep (particularly for your deep sleep)! Make sure you have plenty of rest and sleep a day - build a healthy sleep cycle!
  2. Schedule your daily activities as well. You may not want your pregnancy affects your productivity, however ensure you keep the balance between your activity and the time for rest.
  3. Being pregnant doesn’t mean you don’t need workouts. You still require plenty of physical movements a day – therefore, don’t forget to get moderate exercise and do it regularly!
  4. If you wonder whether you have anemia, see your doctor to get a simple blood test for a clearly diagnosis.

Frequent urination

The continuously process of fetus development can give more pressure to some nearby organs of uterus, including for the bladder. This can decrease the space for the volume of bladder in storing urine. As a result, you will experience an increased urination. In the weeks of second trimester, this symptom may disappear but then it may reoccur in the third trimester.

Tips to cope with this discomfort: the use of tight-fitting pantyhose and pants should be avoided - and if you feel urine stings /burns, call your doctor because this sign may point the presence of the urinary tract infection.

Nausea & vomiting

When you are pregnant, it’s perfectly normal to have some nausea that occasionally followed with vomiting. The presence of these symptoms is more familiar called as ‘morning sickness’.

It’s unclear for the reason of nausea and vomiting in pregnant women. Most experts think that the extremely changes of female hormones during pregnancy may play a key role.

Most pregnant women say that sometime morning sickness can be very bothersome, even it can be potential to cause serious dehydration that can be another serious threat for you and your baby. The good news, typically it will go away on its own by 4th month of pregnancy.

Sleeping problems

In the end of first trimester, you may be slightly difficult to find a comfort resting position for your sleep at night. There are some possible causes of this problem. And the growth of your baby that gets bigger in size and other symptoms (particularly such as frequent urination and dizziness /headaches) may create a great combination to cause sleeping problem.

Helpful tips:
  1. Don’t consume any medication to help you sleep without recommendation from your doctor!
  2. A few hours before bedtime, taking a warm shower may help.
  3. Just before bedtime, a glass of warm milk may also help.
  4. You can try with some extra comfortable pillows if necessary to provide additional support when you sleep. Generally doctors recommend sleeping on your side instead of on your back when you are pregnant.


It is one of common pregnancy discomforts that can strike anytime. There are several possible causes of headache when you are pregnant. Preeclampsia, constipation, congestion, and additional tension may have significant contribution to trigger headache in many pregnant women.

How to cope with this pain? You can try with an ice pack and then put it on the back of your neck or on your forehead. Taking a rest in a low-lit room may also help improve your headache – close both of your eyes and then relax your shoulders, neck, and your back! If necessary, your healthcare provider may also give and prescribe some appropriate medicines (commonly such as Tylenol). Reasons for Pregnancy Discomforts in First Trimester

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